Follow the links below to learn more about the City of North English’s utility service.
Water/ Sewer
City of North English
200 S. Main Street / PO Box 220
North English, IA 52316
City Hall: 319-664-3810
City Shop: 319-664-3801
North English Telephone Co
105 W. Oak St / PO Box 246
North English, IA 52316
Trash Removal
Cox Sanitation & Recycling, Inc.
2226 335th St. / PO Box 208
North English, IA 52316
Trash removal and curbside recycling occurs on Friday mornings. Items should be placed at the curb prior to 7:00 am. Cox Sanitation requires you to use either their bags or their tags which are available for purchase at Freeman Foods, Casey's, and at Cox Sanitation.
Gas/ Electric
Alliant Energy
You are now able to pay your City of North English Water & Sewer bill online.
To do so, please visit allpaid.com. Type North English into the search bar, and select "City of North English - Utilities - IA" payment code "a0004l."
This report contains information regarding our water quality in our water system. The source of our system is groundwater. Access it here.
This report contains information regarding our water quality in our water system. The source of our system is groundwater. Access it here.
This report contains information regarding our water quality in our water system. The source of our system is groundwater. Access it here.
City of North English Yard Waste Site
The City of North English yard waste site is regulated by the Department of Natural Resources. Items other than those listed in the following ordinance shall not be deposited at the City of North English yard waste site.
The City yard waste site is for yard waste only. Garbage bags, lumber, and railroad ties are not acceptable items to leave at the yard waste site.
Chapter 105, Section 105.11 (partial):
2. Yard Waste Defined. As used herein, “yard waste” includes all organic debris (e.g., grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs, bark, vines, branches, flowers, garden plants, etc.) which is produced as part of residential yard and garden development maintenance. The term does not include animal manure, animal wastes, or bedding or crop residue, or construction lumber or materials.
3. Penalty. Anyone violating any of the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, and/or a fine not exceeding $100.00. Any person violating this section shall be required to remove any unapproved material deposited on the burn pile.
Failure to comply will result in the closing of this facility. Thank you for your cooperation.